Permanent staff

  1. Eric Gressier-Soudan. Professor.
  2. Pedro Braconnot Velloso, Associate Professor.
  3. Pierre Paradinas. Professor.
  4. Sami Taktak. Associate Professor.
  5. Samia Bouzefrane. Professor.
  6. Selma Boumerdassi.  Associate Professor, HDR.
  7. Stefano Secci, Professor. Head
  8. Stéphane Rovedakis. Associate Professor.
  9. Tatiana Aubonnet. Associate Professor. HDR


  1. Naresh Modina, on network resource allocation and AI.
  2. Patient Ntumba, on in-network online learning.
  3. Farzad Veisi, on 6G networking.
  4. Julio Cezar Perez Garcia, on network accelleration.

Ph.D. candidates 

  1. Mustapha Kamal Benramdane on context-based service orchestration.
  2. Lydia Ouaili, (with Trasna Solutions) on self-sovereign identity management.
  3. Mario Patetta, on programmable network data-plane systems.
  4. Kautar Sadouki, on intent-oriented computing.
  5. Tayssir Ismail (cotutelle with Manouba Univ. & Inria), on security in VANETs.
  6. Victorien Romain (with Orange), on serverless network function orchestration.
  7. Rezak Aziz, on differential privacy.
  8. Anh Khoa Dang (with Ericsson), on sustainable 6G communications.
  9. Ahmed Mehdi Boudjelli (with Orange), on intent-based network automation.
  10. Kilian Cressant, on distributed machine learning for closed-loop automation.
  11. Bastien Buil (with Orange), on on-chip security for multi-party embedded systems.
  12. Hussein Kazem (with Soprasteria), on pentesting blockchain applications.
  13. Abdelhak Hidouri (with Inria), on security in named data networking.
  14. Flavien Dermigny (with Thales) on embedded system cryptography.
  15. Billel Hakem (with KNDS/Nexter Systems) on predictive maintenance for connected vehicles.
  16. Yasmine Chaouche, on network automation.

Network/system engineers

  1. Salah Ali Bin-Ruba, on machine learning for network automation.
  2. Masoud Baharlouei, on network automation platform.
  3. Zeidan Braik, on OpenRAN resource allocation.
  4. Dédé Kinsiona, on LemonLDAP::NG integration.

Project Manager

  1. Joaquin Bayona, on project management.

Adjunct members

External co-advised Ph.D. candidates 

  1. Hamaciré El Hadj Kalil (ESMT), on vehicular network security.
  2. Ismail Haddad (Univ. Skikda), on IoT and vehicular sensing.
  3. Imène El-Taani (USTHB, Alger) on Deep Reinforcement Learning based placement in the Cloud.
  4. Jacopo Bufalino (Aalto University), on container security.
  5. Nagham Hachem (ESIEE), on intent based networking.

Research interns

  • 2024: Ali Moheed Kayani (Cnam), Moussa Guemdani (Cnam), Yufei Zhong (Cnam), Chen David (ESIEE), Kareneh Zolfaghari (Cnam), Naim Maouche (Cnam).
  • 2023: Imed Eddine Boukari (ESI), Ihab Abderrahmane Derdouha (ESI), Idriss Hamzaoui (ESI), Hussein Hamdouna (Cnam), Jeongku Choi (Cnam), Maritzabel Del Pozo (SU), Srour Ali (Cnam), Kayani Moheed Ali (Cnam), Guemdani Moussa (Cnam), Zhang Haoxuan (Cnam), Fatemeh Salmaniseyedmahalle (Cnam), Zifeng Zhang (Cnam).
  • 2022: Augustin Clero, Ali Awarkeh, David Kule Mukuhi, Zifeng Zhang, Zisen Xu, Farnaz Ebrahimishad, Hussein Khalil, Ali Marwa (Cnam); Rezak Aziz(ESI), Saloua Bouabba(ESI), Lilia Mezani(ESI), Leticia Sadi(ESI), Céline Serbouh (ESI).
  • 2021: Raphael Tetu (ESIEA), Mario Patetta (POLIMI), Corentin Lanousse-Malhene (ISEP), Lydia Ouaili, Yaniss Khima (IUT de Cachan), Charles Yazbeck (ESIEE), Haddouti Yasmine (SU), Sheadeh Fadi (SU).
  • 2020: Eugenio Cortesi (POLIMI), Mourya Gonchi Keshava (POLIMI), Alexandre Thomas (ESIEE), Weiquiang Zhang (ESIEE), Maria Isabella Viola (POLIMI), Laiza De Lara (ISEP/UFP).
  • 2019: Giulia Bissoli (POLIMI), Davide Aureli (Univ. Rome I – La Sapienza), Federico Lavatori (POLIMI), Jamal Ammouri (Cnam), Luong Vuong Son (Cnam), Said Haddoudi (Cnam), Maya Adjaz (Dauphine).

Team management responsibilities

  • Private cloud management: Mario Patetta, Chi-Dung Phung.
  • New members arrival management: Christophe Maudoux, Razak Aziz.
  • Office space management: Kilian Cressant, Kamal Benramadane.
  • Webservices and publications management: Patient Ntumba, Naresh Modina.
  • Hardware management: Lydia Ouaili, Kaoutar Sadouki.


  • Christophe Maudoux
    • PhD. 2020-2024. Now ICT expert at Gendarmerie Nationale and PAST at Cnam.
  • Yacine Anser
    • Ph.D. 2021-2024. Now postdoc at KTH.
  • Yulliwas Ameur
    • Ph.D. 2019-2023. Now ass. professor at UVSQ.
  • Nour El Houda Yellas,
    • Ph.D. 2019-2023. Now postdoc at Orange.
  • Davide Raimondi,
    • System technician. 2022-2023. Now M.Sc. student at Università di Pavia.
  • Alessandro Aimi
    • Ph.D. 2020-2023. Now postdoc at Università di Bologna.
  • Kiranpreet Kaur
    • Ph.D. 2020-2023. Now R&D engineer at Dassault Systems.
  • Guilherme Iecker Ricardo
    • Postdoc 2023. Now Associate Professor at INP Toulouse.
  • José Lopez Esteves
    • Ph.D. 2023 (VAE), on communications security, now senior expert at ANSSI.
  • Mamoudou Sangare
    • Ph.D. 2022, on vehicular networks. Now ass. prof. at ECAM.
  • Nabila Djennane
    • Ph.D. 2021, on cloud resource allocation.
  • Mohammed Nafi,
    • Ph.D. 2021, on key management for IoT networks. Now assistant professor at Béjaia Univ., Algeria.
  • Alessio Diamanti,
    • Ph.D. 2021, on network automation. Now 5G expert at SWISSCOM.
  • Marianna Belotti,
    • Ph.D. 2021, on blockchain modeling. Now Analyst at European Central Bank.
  • Wesley Coelho,
    • Ph.D 2021, on 5G orchestration. Now senior researcher at 
  • Agathe Blaise,
    • PhD 2020, on anomaly detection. Now senior researcher at Thales.
  • Sarra Mehamel,
    • PhD 2020, on mobile edge computing. Now postdoc.
  • Paolo Zappalà,
    • predoc 2020, on blockchain network modeling. Now Ph.D. at Orange/UAvignon.
  • Francesca Fossati,
    • postdoc 2020, on 5G resource allocation. Now Ass. Professor at Sorbonne University.
  • Frédéric Lemoine,
    • PhD 2019, on self-healing IoT devices. Now permanent IT engineer at Cnam.
  • Youcef Ould-Yahia,
    • PhD 2019, on security models for data privacy in IoT systems.
  • Loic Perennou,
    • PhD 2019, on cloud load prediction. Now R&D engineer at Outscale
  • Nikola Bozic,
    • PhD 2019, on cloud orchestration security. Now Expert at Strategy&.
  • Amar Abane,
    • PhD 2019, on Named Data Networking for IoT. Now postdoc at NIST, USA. 

Former Members

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