We organise the team seminars with the talks by Vicent Toubiana, Jocopo Bufalino, Masoud Baharlouei and Khoa Dang.
Date: February 5, 2024 at 2 pm.
Seminar location: Amphi Gaston Planté, 2 rue Conté, CNAM, Paris, France. Remote participants can register from this MS Teams link.
Speaker: Vincent Toubiana
Title: A quick overview of the French Data Protection Authority Research Project
Abstract: The French Data Protection Authority has among this mission to anticipate the evolution of technologies and their use. In this talk I will present a few projects that are been carried out by the CNIL. This short presentation will highlight the diversity of topics that can be studied by a DPA and the importance of multi-disciplinarity.
Bio: Vincent Toubiana obtained his PhD in Computer Networks, from Telecom ParisTech in 2009. He has been studying the field of privacy for more than 15 years, working both in French (Bell Labs, Arcep, CNIL) and in the US (NYU, FTC). Since 2021, he is the head of CNIL’s Digital Innovation Lab.
Speaker: Jacopo Bufalino
Title: Securing distributed cloud applications
Abstract: Modern cloud deployments are constructed from containerized applications, often referred to as microservices, which interact through application layer protocols. This distributed paradigm poses new security challenges and requires novel solutions
Bio:Jacopo Bufalino is a doctoral candidate in the Secure System Group at Aalto University, Helsinki. Prior to entering academia, he worked as a DevOps and software engineer for several years. His current research focuses on cloud and network security, with a keen interest in applying software engineering methods to enhance security practices. Jacopo is a member of the CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation) Nordics, contributing actively to the advancement of cloud-native technologies.
Speaker Khoa Dang
Title: Leveraging AI/ML for a sustainable Radio Access Network
Bio: Khoa Dang received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Telecommunications Engineering from Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST, Vietnam) in 2021 and 2023, respectively. He also earned an M.Sc. in Computer Networks and IoT Systems from Cnam, Paris, France, in 2023 (double-degree program with HUST), supported by the Eiffel scholarship. He is currently a CIFRE Ph.D. candidate at Cnam and Ericsson under the supervision of Stefano Secci, Stephane Rovedakis, and Hicham Khalifé
Speaker: Masoud Baharlouei
Title: Integration challenges for a network automation platform
Bio: I am Masoud Beharlouei, Network engineer working with the network automation team at CNAM. I studied my master specialized in IoT at CNAM. I worked on live container migration and edge network orchestration. I like both bleeding edge and retro tech.