Tuesday December 17, 14h, room 30.-1.25 The pot will take place in the same room Title : Design and Analysis of Novel Distributed and Mobile Networked Systems Abstract This document provides an overview of my research, particularly focusing on distributed
Vania Conan – new chair professor on digital infrastructure sovereignity
Vania Conan joins CNAM and the ROC team as a new chair professor to develop new activities in the area of the design of solutions in support of digital infrastructure sovereignity. Holder of a PhD from CEA, and an engineering
Pengwenlong Gu – new associate professor in network security
Pengwenlong Gu joins the ROC team as a new associate professor to sustain our activities in cybersecurity. Holder of a PhD in computer networks from Telecom ParisTech, he has a broad international and cross-sector research experience in Inria, Shanghai Jiaotong
Open Faculty Positions
Two faculty permanent (tenured) civil-servant positions are available with the ROC team as possible hosting research group: Moreover, untenured positions are also available: Feel free to contact us at perm-roc AT cnam DOT fr to discuss about any of these
ROC Seminars – February 5, 2024
We organise the team seminars with the talks by Vicent Toubiana, Jocopo Bufalino, Masoud Baharlouei and Khoa Dang. Date: February 5, 2024 at 2 pm. Seminar location: Amphi Gaston Planté, 2 rue Conté, CNAM, Paris, France. Remote participants can register
Open research positions
The Networks and IoT Systems research group of CNAM-CEDRIC hires between 4 and 7 Ph.D. candidates and/or postdoc and/or engineers in the topics below (detailed description: next pages). Master interns applications, for possible continuation in a PhD in these topics,
Ph.D. defence: Yacine ANSER – March 18, 2024
Yacine, Ph.D. student in collaboration with Orange, will defend his Ph.D. thesis on 18 March 2024, at 2 p.m in Salle 33.1.19. Yacine worked on a thesis that tackles the challenge of managing liability and trust within the Cloud-Edge-IoT continuum,
Seminars by new ROCkers – Jan. 9, 2024
Four new PhD students present their work on Jan. 9, 2024, 2 pm, in amphi Friedmann, 2 rue conté. Killian Cressant Thesis subject: anomaly detection in beyond-5G networks using enhanced federated learning. Killian Cressant, 24 y.o engineer from Telecom Nancy
Ph.D. defense: Yulliwas AMEUR – December 18, 2023
Yulliwas, Ph.D. student in the ROC team at the CEDRIC laboratory of CNAM, will defend his Ph.D. thesis on December 18, 2023, at 2 p.m, in the amphitheater Fabry Pérot at CNAM, 292 rue Saint-Martin, 75003 Paris. The main objective
Ph.D. defence: Nour YELLAS – December 18, 2023
Nour, Ph.D. student in ROC team will defend her Ph.D. thesis on December 18, 2023, at 9.30 a.m, in the amphitheater Georges Friedmann at Cnam, 2 rue conté, 75003. Nour worked on the optimization of resource orchestration decisions in Multi-access