Alessandro, Ph.D. student in collaboration with Orange, will defend his Ph.D. thesis on September 19, 2023, at 1.30 p.m, in the amphitheater Georges Friedmann at Cnam, 2 rue Conté, 75003.
Alessandro worked on the integration of LoRaWAN in a network slicing and zero-touch management framework. He will work as postdoc at University of Bologna right after the defence.
Alessandro’s publications
5 documents
Conference papers
- Alessandro Aimi, Stephane Rovedakis, Fabrice Guillemin, Stefano Secci. ELoRa: End-to-end Emulation of Massive IoT LoRaWAN Infrastructures. 2023 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), May 2023, Miami, FL, United States. ⟨hal-04025834⟩
- Alessandro Aimi, Fabrice Guillemin, Stephane Rovedakis, Stefano Secci. Packet Delivery Ratio Guarantees for Differentiated LoRaWAN Services. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Dec 2022, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. ⟨hal-03654692v2⟩
- Alessandro Aimi, Fabrice Guillemin, Stéphane Rovedakis, Stefano Secci. Traffic Control and Channel Assignment for Quality Differentiation in Dense Urban LoRaWANs. 2022 20th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt), Sep 2022, Turin, Italy. pp.153-160, ⟨10.23919/WiOpt56218.2022.9930551⟩. ⟨hal-03725988⟩
- Fabrice Guillemin, Alessandro Aimi, Tanguy Kerdoncuff, Stephane Rovedakis. Reference architecture for slicing in LoRAWAN networks (updated version). [Technical Report] Orange Labs. 2022. ⟨hal-03826493⟩
- Fabrice Guillemin, Renzo Navas, Alessandro Aimi, Tatiana Aubonnet, Tan- Guy Kerdoncuff, et al.. Reference architecture for slicing in LoRAWAN networks. [Research Report] Consortium INTELLIGENTSIA. 2021, pp.1-45. ⟨hal-03566398⟩
Ph.D. defence: Alessandro AIMI – September 19, 2023