We coordinate and participate to research-driven teaching activities in networking, embedded and distributed systems in the following tracks:
Master of Science (master informatique):
- Computer Networks and IoT Systems (MR11601C) – in English, daytime, full time, in Paris.
- Artificial Intelligence for Connected Industries (MR11601D) – in English, daytime, full time, in Paris.
- Réseaux et Objets Connectés (MR11606A) – in French, evening and remote (continuing education), via the Cnam worldwide network.
- Réseaux, Objets Connectés et Robotique de prototypage (MR11606B) – in French, daytime, part-time in apprenticeship with companies, in Perpignan.
- Réseaux et Objets Connectés (MR11606C) – in French, daytime, part-time in apprenticeship with companies, in Paris.
- Préparation pour l’agrégation en informatique (MR11605A) – in French, both daytime modality and evening/remote modality, Paris and via the Cnam worldwide network.
- Sécurité Informatique, Cybersécurité et Cyberménaces (MR11607A) – In French, daytime and evening/remote. In coordination with Cnam Sécurité Defence, Bretagne.
Master of Engineering (diplôme d’ingénieur informatique):
- Informatique, Réseaux, Systems et Multimédia (CYC9104A) – in French, evening and remote (continuing education), in Paris and via Cnam network.
- Télécommunications et Réseaux (CYC9700A) – in French, evening and remote (continuing education), in Paris and via Cnam network.
For the above diplomas, these are the main teaching units we are responsible of:
- English, daytime courses (master level):
- OSCA: Operating Systems and Computer Architecture
- TELNET: Telecommunication Networks
- NCA: Networks – Complements and Applications
- WIMOB: Wireless Mobile Networks
- NETSEC: Network security
- NEVA: Network Evolutions with Virtualization and Automation
- ESAC: Embedded Systems: Applications and Cybersecurity
- AIML: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Networks and IoT
- French, both daytime courses and evening and remote courses (from bachelor to master level):
- NFA009: principles of communication networks.
- UTC505: introduction à la cyberstructure de l’Internet: réseaux et sécurité.
- RSX101: réseaux et protocoles pour l’Internet.
- RSX102: technologies pour les applications en réseau.
- RSX103: conception et urbanisation des services en réseau.
- SMB101: systèmes d’exploitation: principes, programmation et virtualisation.
- SMB111: systèmes et applications répartis pour le cloud.
- Representation of the French-taught teaching units organization for the masters of science and the masters of engineering:
Description of the Cnam national programme in networking.
Associate Professor position
We have an open Associate Professor position for the ROC team, starting fall 2022. The teaching profile for this position is to primarily teach for our international master in Computer Networks and IoT Systems, in English. Nonetheless, a teaching service partly or
Nouveaux master Réseaux et Objets Connectés pour les professionnels
L’équipe ROC lance le nouveau master Réseaux et Objets Connectés pour les professionnels (à distance et en cours du soir). Il s’agit d’un master de spécialisation mettant un accent important sur les nouvelles infrastructures numériques pour les réseaux et le
International Master on Networks & IoT Systems
The research group is launching the new international master titled “Computer Networks and IoT Systems”. The master has an up-to-date program covering cutting-edge technologies under adoption by the computing and telecommunication industry. ROC team members will teach in the master
ROC high-end experimental lab
Thanks to a donation from Oxeva we could recently set up an extension of the computing and networking facility of the ROC team. We got new data-center-grade servers, among which two powerful high reliable Dell industrial chassis, and switches and