We organise the team seminars with the talks by Vicent Toubiana, Jocopo Bufalino, Masoud Baharlouei and Khoa Dang. Date: February 5, 2024 at 2 pm. Seminar location: Amphi Gaston Planté, 2 rue Conté, CNAM, Paris, France. Remote participants can register
Seminars by new ROCkers – Jan. 9, 2024
Four new PhD students present their work on Jan. 9, 2024, 2 pm, in amphi Friedmann, 2 rue conté. Killian Cressant Thesis subject: anomaly detection in beyond-5G networks using enhanced federated learning. Killian Cressant, 24 y.o engineer from Telecom Nancy
Ph.D. defense: Yulliwas AMEUR – December 18, 2023
Yulliwas, Ph.D. student in the ROC team at the CEDRIC laboratory of CNAM, will defend his Ph.D. thesis on December 18, 2023, at 2 p.m, in the amphitheater Fabry Pérot at CNAM, 292 rue Saint-Martin, 75003 Paris. The main objective
Ph.D. defence: Nour YELLAS – December 18, 2023
Nour, Ph.D. student in ROC team will defend her Ph.D. thesis on December 18, 2023, at 9.30 a.m, in the amphitheater Georges Friedmann at Cnam, 2 rue conté, 75003. Nour worked on the optimization of resource orchestration decisions in Multi-access
AI@EDGE webinar on Closed Loop Automation for Networked Systems – Dec. 11, 2023, 2 pm
Abstract In this webinar, we will present a closed-loop automation system making use of AI to automatically mitigate anomalous states of the connect-compute software infrastructure. We will describe different functional blocks of the algorithmic framework, and in particular the anomaly
Seminars on Graph Embeddings, Discrete Event Systems and New RAN Architectures by Federico Larroca, Gaiyun Liu and William Diego – Sept. 26, 2023
We host two talks from two esteemed invited professors from Uruguay, China and one from a telecommunications engineer from cellNexTelecom France, on Sept. 26, 2023, 2 pm, 2 rue conté, Room: Amphi Friedman (accès 33, 2ème étage). Title: Graph adjacency
Seminars on LoraWAN and Graph model for Water Distribution Networks by Francesca Cuomo and Tiziana Cattai – Sept. 20, 2023
The ROC team is organizing two seminars delivered by Francesca Cuomo and Tiziana Cattai from Università la Sapienza, Roma 1 on september 20 at 10 a.m. Room: amphi Friedman, 2 rue conté, 33.2 (stair 33, floor 2). Title: Towards Edge
Seminar on Decentralized Learning by Yupeng Li – Sept. 6, 2023
Visiting professor Yupeng Li will present us his recent research on decentralized learning on Sept. 6, 2023, 10:30 am in room Amphi Gaston Planté. Title: Robust (De)centralized Online Learning with Performance Guarantee and Its Applications Speaker: Yupeng Li, Department of Interactive Media
Ph.D. defence: Alessandro AIMI – September 19, 2023
Alessandro, Ph.D. student in collaboration with Orange, will defend his Ph.D. thesis on September 19, 2023, at 1.30 p.m, in the amphitheater Georges Friedmann at Cnam, 2 rue Conté, 75003. Alessandro worked on the integration of LoRaWAN in a network
Ph.D. defence: Kiranpreet Kaur – September 19, 2023
Kiranpreet Kaur, Ph.D. student in collaboration with Orange, will defend her Ph.D. thesis on September 19, 2023, at 9.30 a.m, in the amphitheater Georges Friedmann at Cnam, 2 rue Conté, 75003. Kiran worked on traffic management in network functions decomposed