We enjoyed a ceremony for the graduation of our research master students on Nov. 13, 2024, in amphitheatrum Paul Painlévé, 292 rue Saint Paris, Paris 3ème. Here are some nice pics ! 10 among them are now PhD students, 7
Vania Conan – new chair professor on digital infrastructure sovereignity
Vania Conan joins CNAM and the ROC team as a new chair professor to develop new activities in the area of the design of solutions in support of digital infrastructure sovereignity. Holder of a PhD from CEA, and an engineering
Pengwenlong Gu – new associate professor in network security
Pengwenlong Gu joins the ROC team as a new associate professor to sustain our activities in cybersecurity. Holder of a PhD in computer networks from Telecom ParisTech, he has a broad international and cross-sector research experience in Inria, Shanghai Jiaotong
TREES – new ANR project on sustainable integration of AI in access networks
We are participating to a new project, TREES (TowaRds Energy Efficient diStributed learning for 6G) coordinated by Orange and in collaboration with Avignon and Dauphine Universities, as well as Carnegie Mellon University. Our contribution will be on the design and
IPCEI ME/CT Orange – new project on OpenRAN automation
The ROC team participates to the new IPCEI project (European framework for the funding of new industrial sectors), ME/CT (Micro-Electronics and Communication Technologies) chapter, on the automation of OpenRAN architecture with 5G and beyond 5G networks. The project is coordinated
NexaSphere – new Horizon Europe project on 6G Non Terrestrial Networks
The ROC teal is involved in a new Horizon Europe project titled NEXGEN 3D NETWORKS SPIN HARMONIES ACROSS 6G, AI, AND UNIFIED TN/NTN (NexaSphere). The project is about the design of future 6G systems and in particular the integration between
PhD Defense, Christophe Maudoux – 19 juin, 2024
Vers l’automatisation de la détection d’anomalies réseaux Mercredi 19 juin 2024 à 14h00 au Cnam, 2 rue conté 75003, amphithéâtre Georges Friedmann. La présentation sera en Français. La soutenance sera suivie d’un pot en salle 33.1.19. Résumé : Nous vivons
ROC Workshop 2024 – May 16-18, 2024
The ROC team organizes its annual workshop in French Britain, at the Manoir de Kérazan, newly opened by the Institut de France for cultural and scientific meetings. The tentative program is as below. Attendance is free but the number of
Deuxième Journée Souveraineté Numérique – 30 avril 2024
L’équipe organise le 30 avril 2024 une deuxième journée sur les infrastructures pour la souveraineté numérique, en collaboration avec l’association INFRALLIANCE. Plus d’informations sur https://souverainete.roc.cnam.fr
Open Faculty Positions
Two faculty permanent (tenured) civil-servant positions are available with the ROC team as possible hosting research group: Moreover, untenured positions are also available: Feel free to contact us at perm-roc AT cnam DOT fr to discuss about any of these