We host two exciting talks on an ever challenging topic of resource allocation for 5G networks and the prospects of intent based network management at 2PM on 19 March 2024.

Room: Amphi Friedman, 2 rue conté, Paris, 33.2 (Access 33, floor 2).

Title: Resources allocation optimization in dynamic and multi-domain 5G networks.

Speaker: Sihem CHERRARED, Orange Labs, France.

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Virtualization techniques enable the deployment of the network functions of the same 5G service over different domains. Each domain is isolated and is equipped with a proper set of resources (e.g., CPU and memory) managed by one or several controllers. The various domains can be owned by the same or different actors (e.g., segments of the network of a network operator, multiple independent networks, etc.). For instance, a single operator might deploy functions of the same slice on different domains for reasons such as resource shortage, to reduce delay or bandwidth consumption. Consequently, service deployments should be spread across different domains. In the multi-domain context, major challenges arise when domains are only aware of their own resources and topology. In addition to the problem of available resources and link mapping when placing the functions, slice placement also requires determining which domains are the most suitable to place the various components of a slice. Moreover, the dynamic network topologies make it more difficult to apply AI fixed models for placement. The model might provide incorrect decisions taken on the basis of an outdated topology description.  In this talk, I will present solutions that was provided for resources allocation in 5G for dynamic and multi-domain networks.


Sihem CHERRARED (Orange France) received her PhD degree in 2020 at the University of Rennes 1 France, in INRIA and ORANGE Labs, on the fault management of programmable multitenant networks. She held an R&D engineer position at Smile, Paris region, before joining Orange Innovation in 2022. She is currently working as a senior R&D engineer on network management and automation.” Since 2020,  she has been involved in multiple European and national projects. Her research interests include AI for network automation, optimization and management, network virtualization and orchestration.

Title: Intent-based network management with user-friendly interfaces and natural language processing.

Speaker: Xiaofeng Huang, Orange Labs, France.


In the era of 5G and the upcoming 6G networks, enterprises are presented with the opportunity to utilize highly customizable wireless private networks through advanced solutions like network slicing. However, the technical complexities of mobile networks often pose a challenge for businesses not well-versed in network configuration. To bridge this gap, a simplified approach to ordering and automated deployment is essential, enabling rapid response to business needs and the ability to adapt to changing demands. This talk will explore the concept of intent-based network management, which aims to streamline the process of translating customer expectations into actionable network configurations. We will discuss these intent based management architecture and methods aligning with TM Forum Open Digital Architecture (ODA) and also the development of some components such as a business intent resolver that interfaces with two engagement channels offering customers the choice to benefit from a Natural Language Processing based (NLP) interaction.


Xiaofeng Huang (Orange Innovation, France) received a Master’s degree in Engineering from Télécom Bretagne/ ENST Bretagne, France, in 2004. She is an experienced research project manager with a strong background in mobile networks. She was actively contributed to industry standards organizations as Orange delegate such as GSMA, 3GPP, ETSI and ITU-T, shaping the future of mobile networks. Her technical skills span network architecture, 5G core networks, network slicing, virtualization, and telecom IT. She is the member of Orange Expert Community on Future networks.

Seminars on Resources allocation optimization and intent based network management in 5G & B5G networks by Sihem CHERRARED and Xiaofeng Huang – 19, March, 2024.
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