The ROC team was awarded two new research grants from the National Research Agency (ANR): HEIDIS (HiErarchIcal DIsaggregated Scheduling for beyond-5G networks): the project will work on novel hierarchical scheduling algorithms and smart network cards making surface in virtualized radio
Ph.D. Position in Differential Privacy and Machine Learning in IoT
PhD proposal: Exploring the differential privacy in the context of distributed and collaborative machine learning for industrial IoT The objective of this thesis is to explore the use of differential privacy with distributed supervised as well as non-supervised ML methods
4 Open Positions: Ph.D. and postdoc
We are hiring 3 Ph.D. students and 1 postdoc to work on cutting-edge research projects. Topics The open positions are on the following topics (detailed descriptions here): Distributed Ledger Technologies for Internet Registries and Intrusion Detection Systems Automation Protocols for
ROC high-end experimental lab
Thanks to a donation from Oxeva we could recently set up an extension of the computing and networking facility of the ROC team. We got new data-center-grade servers, among which two powerful high reliable Dell industrial chassis, and switches and
AI@EDGE – new H2020 project on network automation
We are happy to announce the ROC team will be part of a new H2020 5GPPP project, named AI@EDGE: A secure and reusable Artificial Intelligence platform for Edge computing in beyond 5G Networks. The project will work toward the design and
New research contracts with Orange
The ROC team is launching three new industrial contracts with Orange Labs to perform collaborative research in the following topics:– design and experimentation of a new network automation framework and related algorithms;– definition of cybersecurity measures for edge computing infrastructures;–
INTELLIGENTSIA – new ANR project funded, on IoT access network automation
The ROC team was awarded of a new collaborative research project, starting soon, named INTELLIGENTSIA (INTelligent Edge using Learning Loops & Information GEneration for NeTwork State Inference-based Automation). We will work with the coordinator Orange Labs (research group on network
ETSI STF 543 – new specifications released
The ROC team is active within the Specialist Task Force (STF) 543, “User centric approach in the digital ecosystem”, of the ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute). The task force works on digital service management and interface specification, with a special
ANR MAESTRO-5G – new project started
The kick-off of the new ANR project MAESTRO-5G took place on Feb. 5, 2019, at Orange Labs. The project is about the definition and evaluation of novel resource allocation and slice orchestration algorithms for 5G infrastructures. The project is coordinated
Orange – Cnam: lancement du contrat cadre
Orange Labs et l’équipe ROC du Cedric, Cnam, viennent de lancer un contrat-cadre quinquennal facilitant la mise en place de collaborations pour 2019-2023, sous la forme de thèses CIFRE et contrats de recherche bilatéraux. Deux thèse ROC-Orange viennent d’être lancées