Nov. 18, 2021 – 14:00 – 16:00Room: 37.2.43, 2 rue conté, Paris Speaker: Charbel NICOLAS, Cnam/ULebanon. Into intelligent LoRa nodes for improved wireless communications Abstract: Wireless technologies are increasingly becoming the standard for Internet of Things (IoT) equipment. They allow:
Ph.D. defence: Marianna Belotti – Dec. 16, 2021
Marianna Belotti, industrial Ph.D. student in collaboration with the French public bank Caisse des Dépôt et Consignations (CDC), will defend her Ph.D. thesis on Dec. 16, 2021 at 4 pm, in the Cnam Paris Salle des Thèses “Boris Vian” (37.2.43).
Ph.D. defense: Wesley da Silva Coelho – Nov. 8, 2021
Wesley da Silva Coelho defends his Ph.D. thesis on Nov. 8, 2021, 9h30, in the Salle de Thèse at Cnam, 2 rue Conté. Wesley worked on an industrial Ph.D in collaboration with Orange Labs and proposed new models and algorithms
Nouveaux master Réseaux et Objets Connectés pour les professionnels
L’équipe ROC lance le nouveau master Réseaux et Objets Connectés pour les professionnels (à distance et en cours du soir). Il s’agit d’un master de spécialisation mettant un accent important sur les nouvelles infrastructures numériques pour les réseaux et le
Seminars on Oct. 5, 2021 – blockchain-based orchestration, IIoT, network security
Three seminars take place on Oct. 5, 2021, from 2 to 4 pm in room 31.2.85, 2 rue Conté, Paris. Topics are on blockchain-based orchestration, IIoT and beyond-5G network security. 14h-15hTitle : A Multi-Blockchain Approach for Securing VM Migration in
HEIDIS & PARFAIT: new ANR research projects
The ROC team was awarded two new research grants from the National Research Agency (ANR): HEIDIS (HiErarchIcal DIsaggregated Scheduling for beyond-5G networks): the project will work on novel hierarchical scheduling algorithms and smart network cards making surface in virtualized radio
ROC seminar May 28, 2021 – topics: COVID-19 spreading analysis, Federated Learning, and Air-quality monitoring with LORA
We have three seminars on May 28, 2021, on Teams. More details below. If interested to join, please drop an email to seccis AT cnam DOT fr. 14h – 14h45 : Maria Isabella Viola Titre : What is the relationship
Prix de thèse du GdR RSD – Agathe Blaise
Suite aux évaluations des différentes thèses soumises au conseil scientifique du GDR RSD, groupe de recherche en Réseaux et Systèmes Distribués du CNRS, la thèse de Agathe Blaise intitulée “Nouveaux algorithmes de détection d’anomalies et de classification dans les réseaux
Seminar of Amin Ebrahimzadeh on Tactile Internet – May 20, 2021
Le prochain séminaire Cédric aura lieu jeudi 20 mai, avec deux exposés dont un exposé invité par l’équipe ROC, de Amin Ebrahimzadeh, Concordia University, Montréal, Canada. Write to seccis AT cnam DOT fr to join. Title: Tactile Internet: Use-cases, Traffic
Interns seminars on COVID mobility modeling, Bitcoin analytics & Smart-NICs – March 26, 2021
Three ROC master interns will present their work in progress in the frame of their master thesis research, on March 26, 2021, at 14:00. Please drop an email to seccis AT cnam DOT fr if you want to join. Speaker: