On the Cnam ENT, on Sept. 15, 2020 – 14h-16h. If interested in joining, please drop an email to: seccis AT cnam DOT fr Speaker: Alessio Diamanti Title:LSTM-based radiography for anomaly detection in softwarized infrastructures AbstractLegacy and novel network services are
e-seminar: Mohamed Nafi on IoT security – July 8, 2020
The seminar will be on the Cnam ENT, on July 8, 2020 – 15h-16h. If interested in joining, please drop an email to: seccis AT cnam DOT fr. Speaker: Mohamed Nafi Title:A new key management approach for securing communications in
e-seminar: Prosper Chemouil on Network Slicing – July 8, 2020
Prosper Chemouil joins the ROC team as adjunct researcher and will present his view on network slicing technology evolutions. The seminar will be on the Cnam ENT, on July 8, 2020 – 14h-15h. If interested in joining, please drop an
e-seminars: Wassim Atoui on NFV descriptors, Paolo Zappalà on Lightning Networks – May 4, 2020
On the Cnam ENT, on May 4, 2020 – 14h-16h. If interested in joining, please drop an email to: seccis AT cnam DOT fr Speaker: Paolo Zappalà Title: A game theoretical analysis of the Lightning Network Abstract: One of the
Special Issue on “Blockchains Networking and Distributed Protocols” – Annals of Telecommunications, Deadline May. 20, 2020
More details here.
Lightening presentations by ROCkers young researchers (part II) – Feb. 10, 2020
Time: 14:00 – 16:00, Feb. 10, 2020Place: 31.1.19, 2 rue Conté, 75003, Paris ROC PhD students will deliver the following seminars on cybersecurity: Agathe Blaiseco-advised by Stefano Secci, Mathieu Bouet (Thales), Vania Conan (Thales) Biographie : Agathe Blaise is currently
Orchestration of 5G Networks & Beyond Workshop – Dec. 15, 2020
L’équipe ROC co-organise une journée thématique sur l’orchestration dans les réseaux le 15 juin à Centrale-Supelec. Des propositions de présentations, posters, démos sont bienvenues avant fin février. Plus de reinseignements ici : https://orch5g.roc.cnam.fr
Lightening presentations by new ROCkers PhD students – Dec. 2, 2019
The ROC team recruits new PhD students this year. 3 of them will deliver lightening talks on Dec. 2, 2019, 2-4 pm at Cnam, room 33.1.19, 2 rue Conté, Paris. Their presentations are resumed below. Nour El Houda YellasCo-encadrée par
PhD defense – Francesca Fossati: Novel notions of fairness and resource allocation for congested networked systems
Date and place: Nov. 29, 2019 – 14h Salle 405 couloir 24-25 Sorbonne Université, Campus Pierre et Marie Curie (4 Place Jussieu 75005 Paris) Jury members :David COUDERT, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France (reviewer)Joaquin SANCHEZ SORIANO, University of Elche, Spain (reviewer)André-Luc BEYLOT,
Séminaire ROC 19/09/19, Wesley Coelho: Evolution of cellular core network functions from 3G to 5G and of their mapping requirements
Speaker: Wesley Coelho, Cnam/Orange Title: Evolution of cellular core network functions from 3G to 5G and of their mapping requirements Time: 16:00, Sept. 19, 2019.Room: amphi V – Jean-Prouvé, accès 11, 292 rue St Martin, Paris Abstract:During these last two decades,