Prof. Muriel Médard from MIT, USA, will be our guest for the next seminar on May 12, 2022, 10:30 am. Room: amphi Friedman (access 33, 2nd floor, 2 rue conté, Paris). More details are below. Speaker: Muriel Médard, MIT, USA Title: Decode any
ROC interns seminar – April 12, 2022
Five master interns will present their research activity along with a Ph.D. student on April 12, 2022, 2-4 pm, in room 37.2.43, 2 rue conté, Paris. More details are below.For remote attendance, please write to nour-el-houda.yellas AT cnam DOT fr Rezak
Seminars on edge/IoT computing – March 15, 2022
On March 15, 2022, 2-4 pm, we will host three seminars on fronteers in IoT QoS and constrained computing management. Room: 33.1.19, 2 rue conté, Paris. Speaker: Nabil Makarem, AUB, Lebanon Title: Towards an Efficient Congestion Control for the Constrained
Lightening presentations by new ROCkers PhD students – Jan. 11, 2022
The ROC team recruits new PhD students this year. They will deliver lightening talks on Jan. 11, 2022, 2-4 pm remotely. For remote attendance, plus drop an email to nour-el-houda.yellas AT cnam DOT fr Their presentations are resumed below. Lydia
Ph.D. defense: Alessio Diamanti – Dec. 21, 2021
Alessio Diamanti defends his Ph.D. thesis on Dec. 21, 2021, 13h30, in the Salle de Thèse at Cnam, 2 rue Conté. Alessio worked on an industrial Ph.D in collaboration with Orange Labs and proposed a new network automation architecture that
Nov. 18, 2021 Seminars on MPTCP scheduling and LoraWAN automation
Nov. 18, 2021 – 14:00 – 16:00Room: 37.2.43, 2 rue conté, Paris Speaker: Charbel NICOLAS, Cnam/ULebanon. Into intelligent LoRa nodes for improved wireless communications Abstract: Wireless technologies are increasingly becoming the standard for Internet of Things (IoT) equipment. They allow:
Ph.D. defence: Marianna Belotti – Dec. 16, 2021
Marianna Belotti, industrial Ph.D. student in collaboration with the French public bank Caisse des Dépôt et Consignations (CDC), will defend her Ph.D. thesis on Dec. 16, 2021 at 4 pm, in the Cnam Paris Salle des Thèses “Boris Vian” (37.2.43).
Ph.D. defense: Wesley da Silva Coelho – Nov. 8, 2021
Wesley da Silva Coelho defends his Ph.D. thesis on Nov. 8, 2021, 9h30, in the Salle de Thèse at Cnam, 2 rue Conté. Wesley worked on an industrial Ph.D in collaboration with Orange Labs and proposed new models and algorithms
Seminars on Oct. 5, 2021 – blockchain-based orchestration, IIoT, network security
Three seminars take place on Oct. 5, 2021, from 2 to 4 pm in room 31.2.85, 2 rue Conté, Paris. Topics are on blockchain-based orchestration, IIoT and beyond-5G network security. 14h-15hTitle : A Multi-Blockchain Approach for Securing VM Migration in
ROC seminar May 28, 2021 – topics: COVID-19 spreading analysis, Federated Learning, and Air-quality monitoring with LORA
We have three seminars on May 28, 2021, on Teams. More details below. If interested to join, please drop an email to seccis AT cnam DOT fr. 14h – 14h45 : Maria Isabella Viola Titre : What is the relationship