We organize the IEEE CloudNet 2022 conference at Cnam, Paris, on Nov. 7-10, 2022. After its launch we organized in 2012, 10 years later the conference is back to Paris. The organization committee is preparing a wonderful program, both from
Joint workshop of the ANR CANCAN and MAESTRO-5G projects – March 8, 2022
We organize at Cnam the closing event of the ANR CANCAN and MAESTRO5G project that end in June 2022. Participation is free but registration is required. Details and programme can be found at this page.
MLN 2021 Conference (Dec. 1-3, 2021)
The ROC team co-organizes this year the Machine Learning for Networking conference. More information are at this page: 4th International Conference on Machine Learning for Networking (MLN’2021)
Best Conference Paper Award in IEEE SPAC’2021
The paper entitled « A near-autonomous and incremental intrusion detection system through active learning of known and unknown attacks » by Lynda Boukela, Gongxuan Zhang, Meziane Yacoub & Samia Bouzefrane is awarded as the Best Conference Paper of IEEE SPAC’2021 (IEEE International
EMSICC Workshop (23-25 August, 2021)
The 7th Workshop on Energy Management for Sustainable Internet-of-Things and Cloud Computing Co-located with IEEE FiCloud conference – Rome (Italy) 23-25 August 2021 (online conference)
12th International Conference on Network of the Future
The ROC team is steering the organization of the International Conference on Network of the Future (NoF). Since its creation in 2010, NoF has been a premier annual conference that covers advances in the area of Future Internet design, with
17th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM 2021)
The ROC team is leading the organization of the International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), the premier annual single-track conference in the general area of network and service management. CNSM is a highly-selective venue for presenting and discussing
3D/VR Virtual Exhibition on IoT Trends – July 7-9, 2020.
ROC Team will take part of the 3D/VR Virtual Exhibition IoT Trends (https://net-must.com/virtual-exhibition) that takes place on 7-9 July 2020. Cnam supports this event and has a booth in the VE.You’re welcome to visit for free this virtual exhibition, to
3rd Int. Conference on Machine Learning for Networking (MLN’2020) – November 24-26, 2020. Paris, France
MLN 2020 is the third edition of the International Conference on Machine Learning for Networking. The goal of the conference is to provide a forum for scientists, engineers and researchers to discuss and exchange novel ideas, results, experiences and work-in-process
6th Int. Conference on Mobile, Secure and Programmable Networking – October 28-29, 2020
MSPN 2020 is the 6th edition of the successful International Conference on Mobile, Secure and Programmable Networking. It aims at providing an elicited forum for researchers and industrial practitioners to present and discuss emerging trends in networking infrastructures, distributed yet