Séminaire ROC 19/09/19, Mamoudou Sangare: Machine-Learning Techniques to Predict Vehicles’ Positions Using the Received Signal Strength

Title: Comparing Different Machine-Learning Techniques to Predict Vehicles’ Positions Using the Received Signal Strength of Periodic Messages Speaker: Mamoudou Sangare, Cnam/Inria. Time: 16:30, September 19, 2019Room: amphi V Jean-Prouvé, accès 11, 292 rue St Martin, Paris Abstract:One of the main

ULOOF open-sourced

We open-sourced the ULOOF (User-Level Online Offloading) Framework, result of a long-lasting collaboration with UPEM, UFMG, UNIBO and Google.  The framework in its current form allows to optimize an arbitrary Android application, analyzing its method-level structure, determine which are offloadable

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