Title: Comparing Different Machine-Learning Techniques to Predict Vehicles’ Positions Using the Received Signal Strength of Periodic Messages Speaker: Mamoudou Sangare, Cnam/Inria. Time: 16:30, September 19, 2019Room: amphi V Jean-Prouvé, accès 11, 292 rue St Martin, Paris Abstract:One of the main
Séminaire ROC 11/6/19: Francesca Fossati – Decentralizing 5G orchestration
Title: Decentralizing 5G orchestration Speaker: Francesca Fossati, Cedric/LIP6 Salle 33.1.19 – Cnam, 2 rue ContéJune 11, 2019 – 15h-16h Abstract: The 5G infrastructure brings as a key novelty in networked systems the need to deal with a new resource allocation unit,
Séminaire ROC 11/6/19: Deep Medhi – Quality of Experience with Video and Immersive Content Delivery
Speaker: Deep Medhi, National Science Foundation Title: Quality of Experience with Video and Immersive Content Delivery Salle 33.1.19 – Cnam, 2 rue ContéJune 11, 2019 – 14h-15h Abstract Dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP (DASH) based streaming is becoming the most
ANR MAESTRO-5G – new project started
The kick-off of the new ANR project MAESTRO-5G took place on Feb. 5, 2019, at Orange Labs. The project is about the definition and evaluation of novel resource allocation and slice orchestration algorithms for 5G infrastructures. The project is coordinated
Orange – Cnam: lancement du contrat cadre
Orange Labs et l’équipe ROC du Cedric, Cnam, viennent de lancer un contrat-cadre quinquennal facilitant la mise en place de collaborations pour 2019-2023, sous la forme de thèses CIFRE et contrats de recherche bilatéraux. Deux thèse ROC-Orange viennent d’être lancées
ANR CANCAN: new project started
The kick-off meeting of the new ANR CANCAN project took place in Jan. 9, 2019, at Thales Gennevilliers. The project will work on the design and data-driven evaluation of new AI and machine learning algorithms and related network protocols and architectures for
TMA 2019 – June 17-21 @ Cnam
We organize at Cnam the IFIP Network Traffic Measurements and Analysis (TMA 2019), conference, from June 17 to June 21, 2019, technically co-sponsored by IFIP, IEEE and in-cooperation with ACM. It is also sponsored by Akamai, RIPE, NewNet, DECIX, Huawei,
ULOOF open-sourced
We open-sourced the ULOOF (User-Level Online Offloading) Framework, result of a long-lasting collaboration with UPEM, UFMG, UNIBO and Google. The framework in its current form allows to optimize an arbitrary Android application, analyzing its method-level structure, determine which are offloadable
Séminaire ROC 27/9/18: Marianna Belotti – a Vademecum on Blockchain Technologies
Speaker: Marianna Belotti, Caisse des Dépots et Consignations (CDC) et Cedric/Cnam Time: 27/09/2018, 15:30 Salle 33.3.20, Cedric, Cnam, 2 rue Conté, Paris Abstract: Blockchain is a technology making the shared registry concept from distributed systems a reality for a number